The Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathy is a specialized healing modality using an empirical system that considers physical, mental and emotional symptoms to assess balance. It is a holistic practice that uses natural remedies to restore and optimize homeostasis.

New York Homeopathy’s first priority is taking the time to fully understand you as an individual, not simply as the mere sum of your physical symptoms. Your route to health will be every bit as unique as you are, and as homeopaths, we seek to understand that which makes you different from anyone else. Our careful and patient exploration is a vital part of the homeopathic process and is an essential step on the path to restored health and well-being.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy was founded in the early 1800s by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, whose approach to medicine sought an alternative to what he perceived as irrational and ineffective practices of the time. Developed in reaction to toxic and aggressive treatment, the gentle, safe and effective methods used by Hahnemann and his peers led to homeopathy being adopted throughout Europe and in countries around the world. Today the practice continues to grow and is used extensively. Dizzy Gillespie said “There have been two great revelations in my life; the first was bebop. The second was Homeopathy.”

A homeopath is not a physician, nutritionist, herbalist, naturopath or psychologist. While some health care specialists integrate homeopathy into their practices, and some homeopaths integrate complementary practices into their homeopathic care, homeopathy is a stand-alone profession.

Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. All remedies are made from natural substances and are non-invasive, non-toxic and gentle. There are no side effects and no drug interactions, so you can use homeopathy alongside any other treatment you are currently using. Since homeopathy treats the entire individual, it is effective for a wide range of chronic and acute situations.

How Homeopathy Works

Homeopaths treat according to the Law of Similars. We view your symptoms as clues that something in your system is out of balance. Your physical, mental and emotional experience of these symptoms create a larger picture that instructs us toward a single remedy that most closely matches your own symptoms. For example, when you chop an onion, your eyes are likely to burn and water. A homeopathic preparation of Allium Cepa (the red onion) is one of our most popular remedies for the type of hay-fever that is accompanied by burning, watery eyes. This simple demonstration of the Law of Similars shows that when the body is given a dose of a carefully selected homeopathic remedy, it will recognize the similar stimulus, and in rising to address it, the body will heal itself. The Law of Similars has been recognized since the time of Hippocrates and may be expressed as “like cures like”.

In contrast to homeopathy, the goal of conventional medicine is to suppress specific symptoms associated with your illness. For example, when you have a headache, the protocol is to take medication that blocks your pain receptors. So while your head feels better, the underlying imbalance causing the headache has not been addressed. Allopathic medicine can be seen as treating only the results of that imbalance.

Click here to read an interview with Erika Simonian on the basic tenets of homeopathy.

We do not sell any homeopathic remedies, but here are a few pharmacies that we like to support:

Hahnemann Laboratories, CA:
Helios Homeopathy, London, UK:
Bigelow Chemists, NYC:
Willner Chemists, NYC:

Many common homeopathic remedies can be bought at independent and holistic pharmacies, or at Whole Foods.